# 13 Singing Hallucinations ♦︎

# 13 Singing Hallucinations

Last Traded (y-m-d) :
Original Designer: harthurts
Original Artist: harthurts
Birthday: October 18, 2019
Notes ( this may have traits from pre-list update ):
♦ [ Inkskin ]
♦ [ Vapor ]
♦ [ Breach ]
♦ [ Translucent Skin ]

The air practically hummed as you danced to the beat, the dark fog surrounding everyone and practically stifling the room. The strange, transparent beast (skeleton?) atop the stage seemed to be pouring it out - wait, were the lights moving? Was that thing.. coming closer?
Since when was there another?​

# 13 | Singing Hallucinations

◪ Owner: harthurts
◈ Designer: harthurts
◩ Artist: harthurts
Birthday: October 18, 2019

No sample!

No art!

◒ Total ES: 7  

♦︎ Inkskin
♦︎ Breach
♦︎ Translucent Skin
♦︎ Vapor

[Professions n Collections will be here, shows trophies and clicking on each gives info on collected stuff]

Attack: 0
Defense: 0
Regen: 0
Speed: 0
Stamina: 0
badges/non profession trophies here

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