# 54 HOLO HEART ⚡︎


Last Traded (y-m-d) :
Original Designer: NotecardPasta
Original Artist: NotecardPasta
Birthday: August 20, 2019
Notes ( this may have traits from pre-list update ):
♦ [ Hologram ]
♦ [ Small Gravity Defiance ]
♦ [ Glow ]
♦ [ Object Affinity (Data Bits) ]

"The data that moves through these cords isn't steady and comes in nearly imperceptible waves -- it's like the heartbeat of this place in a way, jagged yet fast as lightning. I can dip in whenever I want! You can learn whatever you need to if you listen to the pulse."

Glowing intangible bars of light flicker and distort down their back, fanning out like a pair of false wings. They withdraw from the damaged cord that sprawls across the floor as the vibrant plumage fades, leaving only a cold cyan glow reflecting off dull metal walls.

What was still being transmitted this far from the safe zone?


◪ Owner: Crossroads
◈ Designer: NotecardPasta
◩ Artist: NotecardPasta
Birthday: August 20, 2019

No sample!

No art!

◒ Total ES: 9  

⚡︎ Hologram
⚡︎ Object Affinity ( Data Bits )
⚡︎ Small Gravity Defiance
⚡︎ Glow

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