/RETRIEVING CAPSULE [Object Affinity]...
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Object Affinity

ES cost: 3

Rarely, a Vido will integrate a nearby or impaled object into its body during formation. This causes the object to become entangled with its very being, either becoming part of its form or causing the body to begin duplicating it as part of itself. Objects generated by a Vido are often not perfect copies, malformed or fleshy in spots.

Vido with object affinity have limited telekinesis over the object they have absorbed -- for example, a Vido with Arrow object affinity can slightly influence the path of arrows shot in its prescence, or levitate them.

With Overkill, the Vido's body can let go of and regenerate the duplicates it creates, becoming a source of the object. The object itself will still be made up of the Vido's alchemical makeup, meaning that once seperated it will inevitably corrode, but overkilled objects can last for up to a week and regenerate faster than their standard counterparts.

Examples of absorbable objects: Arrow, Wire, Hourglass, Candlestick, DVDs, Memory Cards

Plants are not part of Object Affinity -- for those, see the Walking Garden trait.

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