/RETRIEVING CAPSULE [Medium Diversion]...
NOTE: trait pages are a WIP, these will eventually contain proper illustrations!

Medium Diversion

ES cost: 2

Vido with Medium diversions can spawn with or mutate extra eyes, tentacles, tails, or an articulated hand at the end of the tail (without needing overkill for the fingers.)


Each extra category added below requires +2 ES.

♦ Extra Eyes: Extra eyes can be added anywhere on the Vido's body. Max +6 pairs (or 12 total). With the Overkill trait: Overkill allows an unlimited amount of eyes.

♦ Tentacles/Tendrils: Prehensile, long tentacles can be added to the Vido's body. May be smooth or equipped with suckers. Max 6, unlimited with the Overkill trait.

♦ Extra Tails: Extra tails can be added to the end of the Vido's body. Max 6, unlimited with the Overkill trait.

♦ Hand Tail: Allows the addition of a hand tail to the tip of the tail and any extra tails. If a Vido has Overkill applied to the extra fingers diversion, this is included automatically.

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