/RETRIEVING CAPSULE [Small Diversion]...
NOTE: trait pages are a WIP, these will eventually contain proper illustrations!

Small Diversion

ES cost: 1

Vido with Small diversions can spawn with or mutate extra fingers, teeth, or chitinless mandibles.


Each extra category added below requires +1 ES.

♦ Extra Fingers: Extra fingers can be added to the Vido's limbs such as the arms and legs. Max +6 per limb. With the Overkill trait: Overkill allows fingers to spread across the whole body, with no limit to amount.

♦ Extra Teeth: Extra teeth can be added to the Vido's mouth. No limit on amount.

♦ Chitinless Mandibles: Unsegmented, chitin-free mandibles can be added to your Vido. They can be external to the mouth or inside it! Mandibles also can come with Large Diversion (Insect Legs) at no added ES.

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