NOTE: trait pages are a WIP, these will eventually contain proper illustrations!
The Vido can spawn underlings, familiars made from its own flesh or blood. Underlings can be any shape (as long as its thematically consistent) and can be summoned through several methods:
♦ Opening a wound and bleeding out enough core fluid to form into an underling
♦ Seamlessly morphing an underling from the flesh -- for example "pulling" a piece of the tailtip off
♦ If the Vido has vapor, exhaling vapor to form into an underling
♦ Other misc ways, such as cutting off a limb or growing them from the Vido's back.
The limit to the amount and size of underlings a Vido can spawn is determined by the amount of flesh it can lose before exhaustion or risk of fainting. The amount of control a Vido has over its underlings and time they remain active before evaporating away varies from individual to individual.
Part or all of an underling must resemble the Vido's inner flesh in some way.