Oh, you're askin' about that? [Laughter] Man, that's...phew. That's oldschool. Back when the city had a bad hacker problem, we were databanks! Lotsa Vido have a real knack for remembering things -- they'd sit us down in front of these screens, or have us listen' if we were better at audio -- lines and lines and lines of pure numbers n letters. Each one of us had a key! It was... not gonna lie, it was kinda cool. Nobody knew you were sittin' there with a security code in your brain! At least...not until the virus.
Syklus has quickly become one of Ichus' most technologically advanced cities -- and one of the most dangerous to anything with an electronic heart. Something had awoken during the city's peak, causing an infection of the machinery and factories surrounding it and forcing the center to wall itself away within an impenetrable dome.
Inside, the city attempts to keep its pristine facade up -- but on the outside, a living factory zone constantly manufactures singleminded constructs that tear and prowl outside the thick, high-security walls. Moving in or out of the city is difficult and requires thorough decontamination, and magic has been banned and
completely scrubbed from the inside...for the most part.
Beguiling whispers keep many away from the walls, except for...
The Factory Zone will infect anything magical or mechanical that passes into it, making exploring and surveiling the surrounding area difficult. To work around this, open eye sigils are spraypainted all around the zone by
Markers, typically non-magical individuals that are quick on their feet and with their reflexes. These sigils are then looked through by
Monitors -- Vido that work with markers and project their sight to observe the factory zone outside, keeping an eye on any dangerous developments.
Both jobs are exceedingly risky and finding a compatible Marker/Monitor pair is important, as they must both look out for eachother's mental and physical health. Projecting too long into the zone without breaks can have side effects... especially since both members of the team are often quartered inside the wall itself, which is outfitted with several facilities and living quarters all dedicated towards keeping the factory zone at bay.
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